20190606 Introducing the Flux Entities Pattern

The flux entity pattern aims to simply the design and implementation of flux stores, such as Redux or Vuex. It is based on common patterns I identified and extracted over the last few years of working on various single page apps, mainly in Vue and React, using Vuex and Redux respectively.

This pattern is applicable to any flux library, and likelyother state management paradigms. I extracted some useful type definitions and utilities functions into a library called flux-entities, found here. o

Specifically, this pattern lays out some common rules for how you should structure the state of your flux store. When coupled with TypeScript, it becomes even easily to implement, however the same ideas apply to regular JavaScript.

This article will describe a small application (well, at least the flux store for one) and demonstrate why this pattern is useful. Having some basic guidelines for how you structure each slice of the state makes it easier to scale applications, on board new developers, and reason about the codebase in general. Working examples in React, Vue and vanilla JS can be found on the library’s GitHub page.

The Tutorial

To illustrate the concepts and introduce the API for the flux-entities, we will discuss and design the state of a store of a generic project management tool. You can read the full documentation and source code here.

There will be three “slices” of state in our store in our flux store: users, projects and tasks. For the benefit of explaining the flux-entities library, users will be loaded synchronously. Projects are also loaded asynchronously, and at any one time a single project can be “selected”. Tasks are loaded asynchronously (when a project is selected, for example).

When using flux-entities, all reducers start from the same base shape, extending various interfaces where needed. The bulk of the work from now on will be introducing the types that are used in the flux entity pattern, and why they are used.

The users State

As stated above the purpose of this article, we will pretend the data for the users is the following JSON object, hardcoded in the application (thus is will be loaded synchronously). When I discuss the projects and tasks states, we will see how to handle asynchronous loading using the flux-entities library.

The users data might look looks like this:

  { "id": 1, name: "Alice" }
  { "id": 2, name: "Bob" }

And the corresponding interface will look like:

interface IUser {
  id: number
  name: string

For a state that simply stores some data that is loaded in a non asynchronous fashion, flux-entities provides the IBaseState interface, which is defined like this:

interface IEntityHashMap<T> {
    [id: number]: T

interface IBaseState<T> {
    id: number[]
    all: IEntityHashMap<T>

We can extend from IBaseState and define the users state:

interface IUsersState extends IBaseState<IUser> {}

flux-entities also includes factory functions to initialize the initial state. Since we are extending from IBaseState, we can use the baseState function to initialize the state:

const initialUsersState: IUserState = baseState<IUser>() 
// This creates the following:
// {
//   ids: [],
//   all: {}
// }

Accessing a single entity is a more common need than iterating over the entire collection. This is why storing the data in a hashmap, all, is useful.

If you store all the entities in an array, for example state.users where users is IUser[], whenever you want a specific one, you need to iterate over each element, checking some key (usually an id). This has a complexity of O(n) With the hashmap, we simply do users.all[id] to retrieve a specific user’s details. By storing the actual data in a hash map, looking up a user is a O(1) operation.

If you do want to iterate over them (for example, if we want to show an entire list of projects) you would simply do:

const users = store.getState().users

for (const id of users.ids) {
        users.all[id].name // access the user like this

In a React/Vue app:

<div v-for="id of $store.state.users.ids">
    <div>{{ $store.state.users.all[id].name }}</div>

{users.ids.map(id => <div>{users.all[id].name}<div>)}

Looping over the ids and access the actual data in the all hashmap is not that ideal. One such example is when you are using the container/component pattern - you would need to pass both the ids and all objects in mapStateToProps. There is a helper method to simplify this: mapEntities. It takes a BaseState and returns the entities as an array:

const users = mapEntities(store.getState.users)

mapEntities signature looks is: mapEntities<T>(state: IBaseState<T>) => T[] - it’s generic, so in the example above, users will be inferred to be IUser[].

Now your mapStateToProps function would just be:

const mapStateToProps = (state: State): Props => {
  return {
    users: mapEntities(state.users)

And you component will receive an array of IUser as props.users.

The projects state

Often, applications will display a list of items, allowing the user to choose one and see more detail. In the application we are designing the store for, we show a list of projects, and a user can choose one. flux-entities provides the ISelectableState interface for this purpose.

interface ISelectableState<T> extends IBaseState<T> {
  selectedId: number | null

If a project is selected, selectedId is the id of the project. If not, it is null - as opposed to undefined. I prefer null it’s more explicit. By extending IBaseState, ids and all keys are also included.

The project state could look like this:

interface IProjectsState extends ISelectableState<IProject> {}

const initialProjectsState: IProjectsState = {
  ids: [],
  all: {},
  selectedId: null

Of course, you are free to add additional keys to the state - flux-entities just provides a common base.

A utility function is included get the currently selected project, selectedEntity:

const currentProject = selectedEntity(store.getState().projects) // project is inferred as an IProject

As with the users example, you can use the selectableBaseState() function to initialize the state.

The tasks state

We don’t want to fetch all the tasks when the app is loaded - that wouldn’t scale in terms of performance. We will fetch them asynchronously, when a project is selected. This introduces the IAjaxState, another part of flux-entities. When loading some data from a server, there are three states to consider:

  1. The initial state. No request has been made, no data has been fetched.
  2. The request has been initiated, but is yet to complete. Show a spinner.
  3. The request has completed - either an error occurred, or the request was successful and we now have the data.

The IAjaxState definition looks like this:

interface IAjaxState<T, ErrorType = string> {
  loading: boolean
  touched: boolean
  errors: ErrorType[]

For our tasks state, we want to store entities, as well as handle asynchronous behaviour. We can use IAjaxBaseState - an interface extending both IAjaxState and IBaseState. The shape of the tasks state will be like this:

interface ITasksState extends IAjaxBaseState<ITask> {}

const initialTasksState: ITasksState = {
  loading: false
  touched: false, 
  errors: [],
  all: {},
  ids: []

Again, you can use the ajaxBaseState helper function if you do not want to declare the initial state of each key.

Using touched, errors and loading we can figure out the state of the application and update the UI accordingly:

flux-entities bundles these three helper functions, called isLoading, isLoaded and isErrorState, to help determine out the current state.

A Full Example (tasks state)

The reducer for tasks might look something like this:

import { IAjaxBaseState } from 'flux-entities'

interface ITasksState extends IAjaxBaseState<ITask> {}
const initialState: ITasksState = ajaxBaseState<ITask>()

const tasksReducer = (state: ITasksState = initialState, action): ITasksState => {
  if (action.type === 'tasksFetchRequest') {
    return {
      loading: true,
      touched: true,
      errors: []

  if (action.type === 'tasksFetchSuccess') {
    return (
      action.payload.reduce<ITasksState>((acc, curr) => {
        return {
          loading: false,
          ids: Array.from(new Set([...acc.ids, curr.id])),
          all: { ...acc.all, [curr.id]: curr }
      }, { ...state })

  if (action.type === 'tasksFetchFailure') {
    return {
      loading: false,
      errors: [action.payload]

  if (action.type === 'tasksClear') {
    return ajaxBaseState<ITask>()

  return state

export { tasksReducer }

If you are using React, you could then consume this state with the following container/component combination:


import { AnyAction } from 'redux'
import { connect } from 'react-redux'
import { ThunkDispatch } from 'redux-thunk'
import { mapEntities, isLoading, isLoaded } from 'flux-entities'

import { Tasks, IStateProps, IDispatchProps } from './Tasks'
import { IState } from './store'
import { fetchTasks, clearTasks } from './actions'

const mapStateToProps = (state: IState): IStateProps => {
  return {
    tasks: mapEntities(state.tasks),
    loading: isLoading(state.tasks),
    loaded: isLoaded(state.tasks),

const mapDispatchToProps = (dispatch: ThunkDispatch<{}, {}, AnyAction>): IDispatchProps => {
  return {
    fetchTasks: () => dispatch(fetchTasks()),
    clearTasks: () => dispatch(clearTasks())

const TasksContainer = connect(mapStateToProps, mapDispatchToProps)(Tasks)

export {


import React from 'react'

import { ITask } from './types'

export interface IStateProps {
  users: ITask[]
  loading: boolean
  loaded: boolean

export interface IDispatchProps {
  fetchTasks: () => Promise<void>
  clearTasks: () => void

type TProps = IStateProps & IDispatchProps

class Tasks extends React.PureComponent<TProps> {
  public render(): JSX.Element {
    return (
        <button onClick={this.props.fetchTasks}>Fetch Tasks</button>
        <button onClick={this.props.clearTasks}>Clear State</button>
          <div>Loading: {this.props.loading ? 'true' : 'false'}</div>
          <div>Loaded: {this.props.loaded ? 'true': 'false'}</div>
              this.props.tasks.map(user => <li key={task.id}>ID: {task.id}. Name: {task.name}</li>)

export {


The flux entities pattern is one way to enforce a common structure across your flux stores. By having a consistent, defined methodolgy, applications are more scalable, onboarding is easier, and the codebase can be more easily reasonable about. flux-entities provides type definitions and helper functions, adhering the the patterns described in this article and in more detail on the library’s GitHub page.